Twenty-eight (28) Returning Filipinos from Sabah (REFs) attended the online training on various livelihood skills on June 25, 2021 at the DSWD Processing Center for Displaced Persons (PDCP) in Talon-Talon, Zamboanga City. The TESDA IX Regional Training Center-Zamboanga Peninsula conducted the online training via zoom where the REFs learned how to make siopai, siomai, fish continue reading : 28 Returning Filipinos from Sabah Attended Online Training On Livelihood Skills
The employees of Regional Training Center-Zamboanga Peninsula attended the first session on Mental Health Awareness on June 18, 2021 as part of the agency’s health and psychosocial interventions during this COVID 19 pandemic. The session focused on showing informative materials and videos pertaining to mental health concerns – healthy ways to cope with stress, types continue reading : RTC employees attend Mental Health Awareness Session
A total of 50 participants from the 5th Communications Electronics Information System Group of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in Camp Navarro, Calarian, Zamboanga City attended the online siopao and siomai making conducted by Regional Training Center-Zamboanga Peninsula on June 15, 2021. This training was requested by the 5th Communications Electronics Information System Group continue reading : First Online Training on Siopao and Siomai Making conducted